Saturday, September 15, 2012

Bayukbok Cave, San Miguel, Bulacan

Fun- Filled yet Life-Threatening Adventure 

LAID BACK DRAFT RIDE AND SPELUNKING: The starting point of your body technical moves. In this point, you can decide if you can go further and discover what is inside; or just stop and wait outside. Rappelling inside the cave is quite challenging.

PUSH THE WALLS: While inside the Bayukbok Cave, it's a quite challenging how you go outside without having accidents or injuries. If there's a rain, the river pours and the cave is cold, which truly makes your body so relaxed. This cave is very risky, creepy and slippery when wet so applied your technical moves seriously.

A BIG SMILES FOR YOUR HARDSHIP: Just take a moment to feel what is inside the cave. It's creatures, surroundings and ambiance. We rappelled, we crawled, we twisted, we slept, and we squeezed. It was then raining outside while doing caving. You really felt the coldness of the cave. The most amazing one is the formation of stones (formed as a male genital organ), hahaha. You can truly see it when you reach its line.  Also, the Music Wall, just tap the wall and let it give you a smooth sounds.

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